
When it comes to burning fat and toning the body, high-intensity interval training, more commonly known as HIIT, has always been at the forefront of training regimes. It’s easy to see why – HIIT-based exercises combine dynamic bursts of cardiovascular activity with resistance-based strength-building movements, and you can be done and dusted with your routine in as little as 20 minutes. HIIT exercises alternate between short periods of intense anaerobic exercises and a less intense recovery period. This book aims to explain why HIIT-based training is effective by looking at the science behind the exercises. It will also teach you, through detailed anatomical illustrations and instructions, how to perform these exercises correctly – whether you are an absolute beginner or a fitness fanatic. The beauty of HIIT is that you can add it to your current training programme, you can do it at home or in the gym, and it doesn’t require a huge time commitment. You’ll find that the information in this book will help you put together an effective HIIT workout that suits you, and will build your knowledge and confidence in order to execute it correctly.


The exercises in this book focus primarily on building cardiovascular strength and endurance, but there are many more benefits to HIIT-based workouts. The nature of a HIIT workout – intense bursts of exercise in a short time – raises your metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after your training session is finished, essentially turning you into a fat-burning machine! We will go into the many benefits of HIIT on pp. 10–11, but here are just a few to whet your appetite:

How This Book Works

The first section of the book discusses human physiology, explaining the science behind how HIIT improves your cardiovascular fitness, raises your metabolism and fat-burning rate, and builds and tones your muscles. I will also walk you through how best to fuel your workouts with the correct macronutrients – protein, fats, and carbohydrates – needed not only to effectively perform your workouts, but also to achieve your desired goals.

The main section of this book is devoted to a comprehensive collection of HIIT exercises that target different parts of the body, along with modifications and variations for various fitness levels. These exercises come with detailed notes on how to execute them with the proper form, as well as identifying common mistakes made, and cautionary advice on how to avoid injuries. Each illustration of the various steps of an exercise is clearly annotated with precise form and posture directions. The book finishes with a selection of easy-to-follow routines geared towards beginner, intermediate, or advanced level.

Science of HIIT is a fantastic starting point for anyone just getting started in fitness, new to HIIT, or for those seasoned athletes looking to give their current training regime a boost. Whether your goal is to create a comprehensive and personalized training programme, gain a better understanding of the mechanics behind HIIT exercises, or simply lose weight and tone the body, this book covers it all – it will be your new best friend! As you progress through the exercises and become accustomed to them, you can increase their intensity and duration, making this book a relevant “bible” for years to come.

Ingrid S Clay


HIIT workouts are short, you can do them anywhere, and you’ll burn more fat in less time than with any other workout.